Hiring the right salesperson can make or break a business, especially when you’re aiming for growth. Yet, businesses often fall into three common traps when recruiting sales talent. Avoiding these pitfalls could save you not only from frustration but also from significant financial losses. Let’s explore these hiring mistakes—and more importantly, how using a Sales Excellence skills assessment can help you avoid them.

1. Over-Reliance on Positive References

One of the most common mistakes businesses make is trusting references too much. Think about it: candidates are highly unlikely to provide references from anyone who might paint them in a negative light. You’re only ever going to hear the best parts of their career.

But what if their past performance was inconsistent or their team contribution was subpar? References rarely give you the full picture, and relying solely on them can give you a skewed view of the candidate’s real capabilities. Sales Excellence assessments provide objective data, helping you cut through biased or incomplete references by evaluating actual sales competencies.

2. Mistaking Charisma for Competence

Many hiring managers assume that if a salesperson can sell themselves in an interview, they’ll be just as effective in the field. But this is a flawed assumption. Interviews test interpersonal skills, but selling requires far more than being likeable or persuasive in a short conversation. Real sales ability includes consultative skills, value-based selling, and the ability to follow a systematic process—things you can’t fully gauge in a one-hour chat.

What you can measure is a candidate’s actual sales competencies through an assessment tool like Sales Excellence. By evaluating how well they can prospect, qualify leads, and close deals, you’ll make more informed decisions beyond how they perform in an interview.

3. Blind Trust in Resumes

A resume is often a marketing document rather than a true reflection of performance. Candidates naturally highlight achievements, but how many of those results were truly theirs? Did they benefit from working on an easy-to-sell product, or inherit a well-established territory?

Without hard data, you’re left guessing whether they can replicate their performance in your environment. By using Sales Excellence assessments, you shift from subjective interpretations of a resume to an objective evaluation of their core sales skills. This includes how well they qualify opportunities, negotiate, and manage accounts—giving you a clearer picture of their potential success in your company.

The True Cost of a Bad Sales Hire

Let’s delve into what a poor sales hire actually costs your business. If you hire someone at a $120,000 salary, your immediate financial outlay might seem straightforward. But a bad hire costs far more than their base salary. Let’s break down the hidden costs:

Lost Revenue: A non-performing salesperson doesn’t hit their sales targets, which directly impacts your bottom line. Let’s say the expected target was $1 million in revenue—falling short means missed opportunities that can’t easily be recovered.

Wasted Investment in Training and Onboarding: You’ve invested in training, onboarding, and integrating them into your team. A bad hire means all of this time, money, and effort has been wasted.

Disruption to the Team: A poorly performing salesperson can disrupt the rest of your team. Morale suffers, time is spent managing underperformance, and other team members may have to pick up the slack.

Cost of Replacement: The recruiting process starts again, eating up more time and resources. Experts estimate that the cost of replacing a sales hire can range from 150% to 200% of their annual salary.

If a bad hire leaves after six months, you’re not just out their $60,000 in salary. You’ve potentially lost double that figure in missed sales, team disruption, and wasted onboarding efforts. If the real cost of a failed hire is $240,000, the importance of getting the decision right the first time is critical.

The Solution: Data-Driven Sales Assessments

How can you avoid making these costly mistakes? Sales Excellence offers a proven solution by assessing candidates’ real sales skills—not just their interview performance or resume claims. With this tool, you can objectively evaluate key capabilities such as hunting, negotiating, closing, and meeting with decisions-makers (plus a lot more) before deciding on a hire. This ensures you’re choosing candidates who have the actual capabilities needed to succeed in your specific sales environment.

Sales Excellence assessments are the game-changer in hiring decisions. By using these assessments, you reduce the risk of a bad hire, safeguard your investment, and give yourself the best chance of building a high-performing sales team that drives revenue and growth.

Don’t rely on guesswork or gut feeling when hiring your next salesperson. Use the Sales Excellence assessment tool to hire with confidence. To learn more about how Sales Excellence can help your business call Jake Colonas on 0481 115 591